




Vallaris is a security consulting and legal risk optimization firm. We provide guidance, training, and support that enables your teams to safely navigate daily risks, pandemics, conflict zones, domestic unrest. Get the job done, safely.

Our partners deliver bespoke solutions though carefully managing and adapting to your priorities and risks. Our final deliverable is a toolkit that allows your organization to protect its people, create value and maintain agency during a crisis. 

We provide expert advice through a range of advisory offerings: Enterprise and Operational Security; Hostile Environment Training; Crisis Response; Risk Management and Legal Indemnifications. 


Trusted insight

Trusted insight

PRactice Areas

SEcurity & Risk  

Our team of security specialists will create or help enhance your existing model, and ensure all operations are carried out in a secured environment with full response and active mitigation capabilities for any geo-political or safety threat.

We will assist you in transforming into an adaptable organization that minimizes operational risks with concrete mitigations at all stages and locations - and the response capabilities when a crisis does happen.

Our network of security specialists provides a foothold in any country, with a particular emphasis throughout the Middle East, Western Africa and North and South America.


organizational Training

Vallaris leverages years of instructor field experience and direct participant feedback to create engaging high risk environment training, first aid, and specialized safety seminars.  

From multinationals, to NGOs and journalists, we develop specific hostile environment trainings that maximize a scenario based, hands on approach.

These are not the traditional classroom based sessions by ex-military reading from a powerpoint. Instead, we deliver an immersive training that begins with an understanding of local risk and concentrates on the needs of a modern, diverse workforce, and our trainers reflect that - coming from a wide background.


advisory services

We help you create sustainable business value by ensuring that your risk appetite and your contractual exposure dovetail with your actual ground exposure.

Calling upon our wide transactional, legal and technical experience in management and risk consulting, we serve as your second set of eyes, validating your program and ensuring that you are compliant with all local and foreign regulatory or liability requirements.

We will equip you to identify new lost cost opportunities of risk mitigation: reducing redundancies and creating a flow between corporate insurance, contractual mitigations, and field security operations.


Our People, your partners

Our People, your partners


Vallaris operates internationally with founding partners based in North and South America, and the Middle East. Our teams encompass experts in diverse fields including security, risk management and insurance lines, legal, operational safety.

With long standing and throughly vetted local professionals and strategic partnerships, we ensure that any solution is built upon ground knowledge and proven results, and not intangible analysis.